starfi5h-FactoryLocator icon


Find the positions of specified buildings and mark them with warning beacons. Ctrl + F to open the search window. 工厂定位:寻找星球上的产线/矿脉/箱子内物品的位置

Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 14500
Total rating 7 
Categories Info Nebula Compatible Quality of Life
Dependency string starfi5h-FactoryLocator-1.2.3
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

CommonAPI-CommonAPI-1.6.0 icon

A modding library for Dyson Sphere Program. Currently is under development.

Preferred version: 1.6.0


Factory Locator

Find the positions of specified buildings and indicate them with warning icons.

search local planet
The default hotkey to open the window is Ctrl + F. Keybind can be configured in game control settings.
In picker window, it will show all possible search options among all buildings. The yellow number shows how many buildings qualify for the condition, or how many items are inside all station/box storage.
Display All Warning: Toggle to show/hide all warnings.
Auto Clear Query: When disable, the created signals will stay until Clear button is clicked.

search remote planets
By default, the mod will search for buildings on the local planet.
When in starmap view, the mod will change the searching planet if the selecting planet has factory on it. When selecting a star, it will search all planets in the star system.
Left Click on a warning detail icon to show where the warning locate. Click on other areas to close it.
Right Click on the query warning will remove the group.

status tip
Mouse over name to show power status of all networks.

Special thanks for Semar's LongArm mod for inspiration, hetima's mods for UI design and Raptor for mod idea.


Via r2modman, or manual download the file and put FactoryLocator.dll in BepInEx/plugins folder.
Requrie CommonAPI as dependency.

Mod compatibility

This mod is compat with the following mods:

Nebula multiplayer mod compat

The mod don't have to install on both host and client. Some behaviors will be different though.

  • Host : The temporary guiding warning will sync with clients.
  • Client : Only loaded planets are searchable. When the mod window is opened, the warning icon will stop syncing with host temporarily.

Install NebulaCompatibilityAssist to get full functionality for clients.


打开窗口的默认热键是Ctrl + F。可以在"游戏设置-键位-打开FactoryLocator窗口"更改。
显示所有警报提示: 关闭时会隐藏所有警报。
自动清除搜寻结果: 关闭窗口时搜寻的信标将会保留, 直到按下清空按钮。




管理器: 安装r2modman后, 在Online线上列表找到此mod下载安装即可, 点Start modded启动游戏
手动下载: BepInEx框架的安装请参考网上的教学, 建议用5.4.17稳定版本
从此页面下载mod最新版本, 将FactoryLocator.dll放入BepInEx/plugins文件夹。